Saturday, 15 September 2012

Remaining Cool To Get Your Girlfriend Back

By Eric B. Hastings

Becoming very emotional and even irrational at times is pretty normal for most guys after a breakup. The woman that you love has left you. A big part of your life is not there anymore. There is pain and anger and sometimes even jealousy involved on a daily basis that you have to deal with. If you don't have some of these feelings then the bond that you have with your girlfriend might be in question.

Even though these thoughts and emotions might be driving you a little bit crazy, they become even more harmful if you find yourself doing things like calling your ex or begging to talk to them based upon this loss or, even worse, because you are frantic that they're seeing someone else. Many times when something that is important to us is taken away or being threatened to be taken away, we act irrationally. This can cause your ex to view you as weak or even a little bit pathetic.

Keeping your emotions in check might be a bit of a challenge right now but with some tools you can avoid doing more damage to your relationship and begin to move forward towards getting your ex back. Sometimes by simply doing nothing instead of reacting, you can prove to yourself that everything is going to be fine and that you have what it takes to win her over. You want to appear strong and in control and not weak and needy to your ex. You want her to think that you've got yourself together. You want to get as far away from the guy that fell apart after the breakup as you can get.

For instance, let's say that you found out that she has a new guy friend. Normally you might begin to think all sorts of things. You might think that he is the reason for the breakup. You might start digging around looking for information on him. You might find out that they've been seen together and are spending a lot of time together. You might create this picture inside your head of the two of them together and it will begin to drive you crazy. As a result, you will be tempted to call her or text her or talk to her about this. You might even accuse her of having him on the side before she broke up with you.

You must resist the urge to snoop around and create scenarios inside your head. If you must think of this other guy or create scenarios inside your head, make them something positive. Think of the big picture. Imagine that they are just friends or that he's an idiot and he'll put the moves on her and she'll reject him. Whatever you do, don't let your mind race with crazy thoughts that are going to make you react in a childish manner. Tell yourself that no matter what the situation is, you're not going to react. You're going to bide your time and wait for your opportunity to get her back in a positive way and in the grand scheme of things, she will come back to you.

Know in your heart and in your mind that nothing is impossible and that getting the woman you love, who also loved you at one point in time, is actually pretty easy when compared to other goals in your life. Have some confidence in yourself and stop reacting to every little thing that happens in the meantime. Stick with a plan that has been proven to work and follow through with that plan until you get the results you're looking for. Don't allow your emotions to make you act like a small child that just had his candy taken from him. Know that in time things will begin to change so you need to be ready for those changes. This means you need to get your life together and get your plan together for exactly how you're going to get her back.

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