Saturday, 28 July 2012

How To Get Someone Back In Three Ways

By Cutts Mattadear

How to get someone back will depend upon how that person was lost in the first place. There are hundreds of ways in which relations break and an equal number of ways in which they may be mended.

The almost infinite number of ways in which relationships resolve themselves after difficulties means that no one panacea is available. However a few general rules may be helpful as people ponder how to mend things.

Three tips can be remembered by using the acronym HAT. H stands for humble pie, A stands for attitude and T stands for tenderness. In a broad sense a resolution process may use these three words in order.

Humble pie can very difficult to eat, but is an essential first step. The antonym of humble is proud and in many cases pride may have been the cause of an unnecessary antipathy between two people. A girl who overheard an insulting remark about herself and her friends became prejudiced against the man who made it.

Her pride had been injured and so everything that the man did from that moment was seen in a negative light. It was only after many enlightening experiences that the two were able to eat humble pie, apologize sincerely to each other, and resume a rich relationship.

When boxers are about to fight they raise their fists and assume certain physical attitudes, or shapes. Similar behavioral shapes are assumed by people in relationships. When negative attitudes are assumed they can cause disruptions that are destructive. Only when they are changed can relationship resume.

When a negative attitude develops in one partner a relationship is doomed unless that attitude changes. Even after years of marriage a woman can begin to hate her husband so much that even his presence in a room fills her with rage. He cannot help himself. Resolution is only possible if her attitude changes.

When humility and changes of attitude have done much to mend a relationship there may remain an awkward atmosphere that is as cold as ice. Only when the ice is broken will there finally be an answer to the question of how to get someone back. A tender touch or upward glance can be sufficient to melt the ice.

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